Built in R using Shiny , this dashboard aims to provide accurate and relevant facts and statistics about climate change in Romania. The application is based on ensemble means computed from 10 adjusted (bias-corrected) RCMs data, which are provided via the Zenodo open-access repository (RoCliB). The data are archived in a netCDF CF-1.4-compliant format using netCDF4 compression. For each variable and scenario distinct files were created: 4 climate variables × (10 Historical + 10 RCP8.5 + 10 RCP4.5) = 120 netCDF files. The terms of use for the bias-corrected data are the same as those from the original EURO-CORDEX simulations obtained from ESGF servers .
Climate variables: air temperature (tasAdjust - Celsius degree), maximum air temperature (tasmaxAdjust - Celsius degree), minimum air temperature (tasminAdjust - Celsius degree) and precipitation (prAdjust - millimeters);
Temporal resolution: daily;
Temporal extent:
Spatial resolution: 0.1 degrees (~10km);
Spatial extent: from 20.1 to 29.8°E and 43.5 to 48.4°N;
File format: netCDF, CF-1.4-compliant format using netCDF4 compression;
Coordinate system: WGS 1984 (EPSG:4326);
Naming convention: variablenameROU-11_cmip5experiment_globalmodel_run\ regionalmodel_rcmversionid _timefrequency_starttime-endtime.nc;
RMCs (Institution or working group, RCM Model, GCM Institute, GCM Driving):
Data source: doi.org/10.5281
Repository: github.com/alexdum/roclib
Report issue(s) or feature(s) request here
Alexandru Dumitrescu: dumitrescu@meteoromania.ro; Vlad Amihaesei: vlad.amihaesei@meteoromania.ro
© 2021 SUSCAP MeteoRomania | MIT License